You have an incredible opportunity ahead of you if you’ve been asked to assemble a digital marketing dream team. Most marketers end up inheriting positions and people that may not always be the most effective, particularly if these roles have been around for a while. Today’s marketing team requires skills that weren’t critical a decade ago.
If you’re developing roles for a successful digital marketing team, you’ll want to keep these skills in mind.
5 Must-Have Roles for Your Digital Marketing Team
1. The Big Picture Person
Generally, this will be the head of your marketing department. If your marketing team is large enough that digital marketing is merely a component of it, you’ll need someone who will keep the trains running on time, adhere to the larger company-wide marketing strategy and goals, and translate how digital marketing will help you get there
2. The Analyst
You won’t know where you’ve been or where you’re going without data. Generally, data is difficult for your traditional creative marketing types. Having someone who is fully dedicated to analyses will help you assess whether your plans are working, how you’re advancing toward your goal, and how you could be more effective.
From social media analytics to SEO, data analysis is easily a full-time position in today’s digital marketing team.
This person could also be in charge of your marketing automation software because of the large amount of precision and attention to detail required to create a successful email or drip marketing campaign.
3. The Content Creator
You need words, videos, images, and lots of them. But they must be meaningful to your audience. Your audience wants to be entertained, informed, and inspired.
Your content creator should be versed in all types of content creation and understand the strategy behind creating content for each level of the sales cycle.
If your content is the lube for your sales funnel, your content creator is the King or Queen of the WD-40.
It also helps if they know WordPress and have some video editing experience if you don’t have it in the budget to have someone who handles that exclusively.
4. The Designer
People are incredibly visual. Creating visual content will keep them engaged. The designer will not only help the content creator create evocative image content, but they will also help make your website appealing and understand how design affects the brand. They will lay out eBooks and emails and give your social media profiles a cohesive, polished look.
A business with a bare-bones budget may want to look for someone that has the creative inclinations and the tech chops to handle both sides of the design.
5. The Community Builder
Again, assuming your budget is limited and you can’t build a twenty-person digital marketing team, you need someone who understands how to engage your audience. This person will likely head up your social media but could also help with answering comments on your blog and assist in the general ways of building the “know, like, and trust” which is essential to online marketing today.
If you want to build a successful digital marketing team, you need at least five basic skill sets being coordination, analysis, education, creativity, and community. While you could break that up further, these minimums should get you on your way to achieving your digital marketing goals.