Websites for Jacksonville Businesses
There are 1,436 beauty salons in Jacksonville, Florida, according to business profiler There are 2,900 searches for Jacksonville hair salons every month, according to Google Adwords. Not for a particular salon — this is the total number of people for a new place to get a haircut or other styling service each month.
So far, nothing astounding. You might be thinking that if you do a little arithmetic, each salon could expect to get a couple of visitors a month. If you’re a little savvier about web search than that, you might be thinking that there’ll be 10 of those salons on the first page of Google results, so that each of those ten might get a few hundred of visits a month, or maybe the first five in the search results will get a few hundred and the rest of the salons on the page will get a couple hundred.
If these calculations were correct, then a hair salon in Jacksonville with a good website could expect to pay for the cost of that website easily within a couple of months with the new visitors who found the salon through the website.
There’s a little more information you need to know, though. Of all the hair salons in Jacksonville, only a handful actually have websites.
The half dozen beauty shops in town that have gotten around to having websites built are not merely listed on the first page of Google. They have screenshots of their salon websites on that page. They have maps and details about their salons and in many cases their addresses and phone numbers showing on the front page. These few members of the hair styling community in Jacksonville are sharing those thousands of potential customers who look for a hair salon in Jacksonville each month.
The rest of Jacksonville’s beauty shops? We don’t know. We wouldn’t be surprised to hear that they aren’t doing as well as the ones with websites. The good news is that there’s still plenty of room on the front page of Google.
How is it in your business? Some Jacksonville businesses are competitive online. Our industry, web design and development, is very competitive. Yours might not be. At Oyova, we like to build well-optimized websites with an eye on search, but we have to admit that in some local industries, SEO doesn’t even matter yet. In some businesses, just showing up is all that matters.