How to Add Afterpay to Shopify - Oyova Software
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How to Add Afterpay to Shopify

Founded in 2015 in Sydney, Afterpay has rapidly grown, amassing over 16 million active users globally. Its allure lies in its straightforward proposition: customers purchase goods and pay in four installments over eight weeks. Therefore, learning how to add Afterpay to Shopify can unlock many advantages for your online store.

Integrating Afterpay with Shopify: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Sign Up for an Afterpay Merchant Account

Before integrating Afterpay with Shopify, you need to create an Afterpay merchant account. Visit the Afterpay website, sign up by providing the necessary details, and wait for approval.

Step 2: Configure Your Store’s Currency

Ensure your Shopify store’s currency aligns with Afterpay’s requirements (USD, AUD, NZD, CAD), which is crucial for eligibility.

Step 3: Integrate Afterpay in Shopify Admin

  • Log into your Shopify admin panel.
  • Navigate to ‘Settings’ and then click on ‘Payments’.
  • Under ‘Alternative Payments’, select ‘Choose alternative payment’.
  • In the search bar, type “Afterpay”.
  • Enter your Afterpay merchant ID and secret key, which are provided upon signing up with Afterpay.
  • Click on ‘Activate’. Ensure the ‘Enable test mode’ checkbox is unchecked before activating.

Step 4: Enhancing Product Pages with Afterpay Messaging

  • Visit Afterpay’s Developer Guide or their official website to obtain the appropriate JavaScript snippet.
  • In your Shopify admin, go to ‘Online Store’ and then ‘Themes’.
  • Find the theme you wish to edit and select ‘Edit Code’ from the actions menu.
  • Locate the ‘theme.liquid’ file in the theme editor and scroll to the bottom of the appropriate location to insert the Afterpay messaging code.

Step 5: Testing the Integration

  • Log into your Shopify store as a customer would.
  • Add items to your cart and proceed to checkout.
  • At the checkout, select Afterpay as the payment method.
  • Follow through the payment process as prompted. If your store is in test mode, use the test credentials provided by Afterpay. If you’re using a real transaction, proceed as you normally would.

How To Add Afterpay Messaging to Shopify

  1. Accessing Theme Code
    • In the Shopify admin, navigate to ‘Online Store’ and then ‘Themes.’
    • Find the theme you wish to edit and select ‘Edit Code’ from the actions menu.
  2. Embedding Afterpay Messaging
    • Locate the ‘theme.liquid’ file in the theme editor.
    • Scroll to the bottom of this file to insert the Afterpay messaging code.
  3. Finding the Afterpay Code
    • Visit Afterpay’s Developer Guide or their official website to get the appropriate snippet of code.
    • This code, when embedded, will display Afterpay messaging on product pages, informing customers about this payment option.

Integration with Afterpay Xero for Enhanced Accounting

Integrating Afterpay with Xero marks a significant step forward in simplifying the accounting process for Shopify store owners and brings several benefits, key among them being:

Streamlined Accounting 

Transactions made through Afterpay are automatically synced with Xero, reducing the manual workload and minimizing errors, ensuring your financial records are always up-to-date.

Consolidated Financial Overview

By integrating Afterpay with Xero, merchants gain a comprehensive view of their financial status, consolidating all transactional data in one place and making it easier to monitor cash flow, sales, and expenses.

Easier Reconciliation

The synchronization between Afterpay and Xero simplifies the reconciliation process. Since payments and fees are automatically recorded, reconciling accounts becomes a more straightforward and less time-consuming task.

Accurate Financial Reporting

The integration ensures accuracy in financial reports. All transactions, including fees and payments, are accurately reflected in Xero, providing a reliable base for financial analysis and decision-making.

4 Key Advantages of Afterpay Integrations

A person holding a cellphone that shows a payment was successfulAdding Afterpay to your Shopify store brings several distinct advantages:

  1. Increased Sales: One of the most significant benefits of adding Afterpay is the potential increase in sales. By offering installment payments, customers are encouraged to make larger purchases, which can boost your average order value. According to Afterpay, merchants using their service have experienced a 20-30% increase in average order values, which suggests that customers feel more comfortable spending more when they can spread out their payments over time.
  2. Enhanced Customer Loyalty: Another key advantage is enhanced customer loyalty. Providing a variety of payment options, including Afterpay’s installment payments, caters to a wider range of customer preferences, which can lead to an increase in repeat purchases, as customers appreciate the convenience and are more likely to return to a store that offers favorable payment terms.
  3. Immediate Payment to Merchants: Despite offering installment plans to customers, merchants receive the full payment upfront when using Afterpay, which is particularly beneficial for cash flow management. The only deduction is Afterpay’s service fees, which typically include a flat fee of about 30 cents per transaction and a commission fee ranging between 4-6%.
  4. Reduced Fraud Risk: Lastly, Afterpay helps reduce the risk associated with fraudulent transactions, a common concern in online retail, particularly with credit card payments. By handling the payment processing, Afterpay mitigates this risk, providing an additional layer of security for both customers and merchants.

Incorporating Afterpay into your Shopify store can not only elevate the customer shopping experience but also positively impact your sales and security measures. For more information on integrating Afterpay with Shopify, you can visit the official Shopify and Afterpay websites..

Work With A Shopify Agency

Wrapping up our discussion on how to add Afterpay to Shopify, it’s clear that integrating Afterpay not only enhances customer experience with flexible payment options but also boosts sales and ensures secure transactions, a strategic move for any Shopify store aiming to grow and adapt to consumer preferences.

For those looking to make this upgrade, remember that implementing such solutions with expertise can greatly enhance their effectiveness. This is where Oyova steps in. Specializing in Shopify development services, Oyova can assist you in seamlessly integrating Afterpay into your store, ensuring you reap all its benefits without the hassle. Our expertise extends to more intricate aspects of Shopify development, and we are ready to tackle any complex challenges your store might face.

Ready to elevate your Shopify store? Reach out to Oyova for expert assistance and take the first step towards a more dynamic, customer-friendly e-commerce experience.