Design Tips to Create Powerful Imagery
Think it’s time you mastered design? Then listen in on some of the best-kept design secrets for the ages. Most designers already know these simple rules, but in case you missed them, check this list of the most powerful design practices in existence.
There’s something about a nautilus that captures the attention. From symmetrical harmony to color psychology, the secrets to design success are all in understanding the human brain. Scientific evidence reveals the patterns in best design practices that work.
Here are a few key design secrets you didn’t know:
Color Psychology
Never miss out on a chance to use color to your advantage. Colors are the key to the subconscious mind during design. That’s because they express what cannot exist without words, and much more effectively! Think of the type of reaction you get when you wear all black. People often ask if you’re going to a funeral because this particular color is attached to the negative association of mourning and “feels” rather depressing.
Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions. – Pablo Picasso
On the other hand, warm colors like red and yellow inspire feelings of excitement and happiness, while cool colors like blue and purple appear trustworthy and sophisticated. Colors have the ability to change your mood, which is an effective way to get the message across without any need for text.
The Rule of Thirds
Are you struggling to create more “picturesque” photographs? Then always keep the “Rule of Thirds” in mind. The rule of thirds is the reason for the 9-box grid that appears on every photograph during the editing process.
If you take a closer look at the grid, you can begin to understand how placement within each box and the relationship to the cross points creates a much more appealing photograph. For this reason, many apply the rule of thirds when snapping shots or by centering a face in the middle of a box during the photo editing process. This draws the viewer’s attention to the impact points of the picture. Notice how some of your best shots already line up with the grid? That’s because the rule of thirds eventually becomes second nature for the best designers and photographers.
The Golden Ratio
What made Leonardo da Vinci and his art so famous? He rediscovered the golden ratio. The golden ratio goes by many names — aka the golden section, divine proportion, and phi. The golden ratio is prominent in all forms of natural symmetry and geometry and is often considered the definition of “beauty” itself.
Why? Because the golden ratio expresses a geometric relationship that can be traced in all creation! Believe it or not, this also applies to not just art, architecture, and design but also music. It is the universal representation of harmony, efficiency, and symmetry in a single-number relationship. It is somewhat of a “mathematical blueprint” for the natural world. Our eyes, ears, and brain are designed to recognize and respond well to patterns of the golden ratio. Therefore, if you ever want to know how nature would design something, just use this number for inspiration.
Do you use these design secrets?
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