Oyova’s Focus on Website Development
After working in the web development world for many years, one of the things that quickly becomes apparent is most developers usually take the easiest road possible to accomplish a task. While adding complexity where it is not needed is never good, many times these shortcuts lead to websites/tools for businesses that are: clunky to use, time-intensive, or not made to scale with a business. The end result is a product that is different than you envisioned or a pain to use.
When you are selecting a high-quality web development company, things you should listen for are questions like:
- How are people in the company going to be using this product?
- With what device will individuals be accessing it? (to ensure usability)
- What would make this easiest and the least intrusive to your business?
- What other steps surrounding this product could we potentially incorporate to make this whole process easier?
A perfect example is WordPress development. We do quite a few WordPress websites, and with that platform, it is easy to take a lazy approach. Many development shops just think quickly editing a theme, or crutching on plugins will do the trick. What this often leads to is a site that is just too difficult for people to maintain with so many shortcodes, plugin options, settings to remember, etc.
However, when working with one of our latest clients, we developed a custom process where they can update a dynamic homepage slider by just filling out a simple blog post. Our tool grabs the blog post, then inserts the custom image, text, and destination URL in a nice and professional-looking slider. So even someone with no website experience can create a new homepage experience with ease. It is solutions like these that allow sites to be as dynamic and easy-to-use, as the businesses they represent.
We strive internally to not only deliver good web development and website design but understand how our clients are going to use it. It is only when you take the time to listen that you can build the best solution for them and their business.
Is your web development company asking these questions, or inquiring on how to make your business run more streamline?