Incorporating Systems Thinking for Website Systems
Your business website is part of a system. Or it should be. If you just put your website online and fail to connect it with other parts of your marketing plan, it won’t be as effective for you as it could be.
This simple diagram might be your first thought about how your website works. People look for your business and find your website, they go through the process of looking at your site, and if they buy something or fill out your form, you get some feedback.
There’s more to it.
First, your website should be connected with your business as it exists apart from the internet. Your physical address and your phone number should be on your website both for SEO benefits and so people can easily contact you. Your web address should be on your print ads, your business cards, your physical signs, and your invoices. Then people will come to your website from their direct contact with your business, as well as coming to your business through contact with your website.
Your website should also be connected with the rest of your online presence. We’re amazed by how many businesses don’t include a link on their Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or YouTube pages. Your logo should be visible wherever you are online, and your website should also have links to all your social media presences. This way, your social media will refer people to your website and your website will refer people to your social media, which increases their engagement with you and send them back to your website or to your physical business location. More traffic to your website also increases the number of people who respond to your website and visit your business.
Your website should be connected with other websites, through links and citations. Search engines take this seriously: the sites you link to and the sites that link to you help Google and Bing decide what you’re about and what kinds of searches should end up on your website. This increases the number of searchers who make it to your website and then to your business.
Your website should also be connected with your customers. You need to engage them, and they should be able to provide feedback. This means that you should have contact information, an email address that gets a speedy response, places to comment, and (when appropriate) information about clients and customers in the form of reviews, testimonials, case studies, and announcements. This brings customers back to your website, increases their engagement, and makes them more likely to contact you or visit your place of business. Increased feedback also gives you more information about your customers, more opportunities to provide customer care, and an increased chance of repeat sales.
That simple diagram at the beginning of this post doesn’t really cover your website, does it? Over time, as your system develops, you’ll have multiple entry points to your website, multiple responses available to your visitors, and better feedback on your site.
Contact Oyova to strengthen your website’s system and increase your ROI.