Rethink the Way you Make the Sale.
Selling more online should not be a riddle. Your customers are already out there, but the trick is in connecting with them. Get better digital marketing.
How do you make an appearance or connect in a deep way with your audience? You have to appeal to the emotions and senses in a manner that doesn’t require a second thought or any additional attention. You score leads with better presentation.
Here are a few digital marketing tips to increase leads and sell more online:
It’s Not About You
Always remember in any part of business, it’s not about you. Or at least it isn’t and never will be in the eyes of your customer. The truth of the matter is, not many people can name the CEO, the business goals, or even the specific benefits of the product they bought from their favorite company.
What they do remember, however, is the reason they bought the product, how the purchase made them feel (after receiving what they’ve purchased), and whether or not they were impressed enough to share this by telling others. This is what you have to work with — why do people buy and share your products or brand?
Custom User Experience
Your user experience is a product in itself. That’s because if you belong to an industry with multiple competitors and locations to find what you offer, then “user experience” is the only thing that separates you from the competition — think Apple vs Microsoft. Most online eCommerce stores are custom-built and optimized for industry needs to suit the potential buyer’s shopping style while searching for products.
For example, if your company sells various clothing lines, then you’ll want a platform that categorizes clothes for customers who are “men” and “women” along with category types that they may be searching for such as “shirts”, “pants”, and “shoes”. But this style of store navigation won’t work as effectively for someone who, for instance, supplies test tubes to hold a diverse number of chemicals that exceed the hundreds or even thousands.
The customers of your company are expecting to be able to find what they’re looking for easily. Thus user experience may be the difference between your customer’s frustration and an easy sale.
Applying Dedicated Pages
Sometimes the problem is the manner in which you direct your customer’s attention. The purpose of a “landing page” is to land them in your sales system. Each product or service on your page should have its own landing page set to convert prospective buyers into customers per the offer.
A dedicated landing page makes use of a Call to Action and ushers your customers forward to unknowingly buying your product before they ever click through to make the sale.
Usability of Your Website
The internet users of today set high standards for websites. You may not even notice that your company commits some of the dreaded digital marketing faux pas on the list such as slow load time (many abandon hope after 4 seconds!), messy appearance (stick to clean edges), failing ease of use (it looks like a disaster area), lacking accessibility from multiple devices (do you have a responsive web design?), and the inability to find what they’re looking for fast (where is it!). Web design and web development efforts should work in harmony to create a better final product.
Reviews and Endorsements
Your customers are more likely to buy from you after getting the “go-ahead” nod from the crowd. One of the most effective ways to sell more online is through customer reviews. You should strive to create an automatic feedback loop or review system through follow-up emails in the confirmation after your customers make a purchase. Displaying influencer endorsements or asking for a formal review of a product from a critic is another way to get people in the industry talking about your products instantly.
Analyzing the Stats
Just remember, real numbers yield tangible sales figures. Without analyzing and measuring the success or failure of your efforts up to the present moment, how could you ever begin to adapt to a better marketing plan? The success of your digital marketing program relies on the efficiency with which you track your actions, observe the results, and adopt new methods and standards to continuously refine the process.
Shareability of Content
Who cares? Your online community. The people who opt to follow your social media profiles, blog posts, and web pages are pivotal drivers for web traffic and for other customers to discover what you offer. The goal with content should always be to maximize the number and quality of potential customers reached. So increase the shareability of each piece by speaking directly to your biggest brand fans.