Top Ecommerce Marketing Automation Tools & Strategies
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Ecommerce Marketing Automation Tools and Strategies

Ecommerce shopping cart next to a miniature real shopping cart filled with bags

Ecommerce marketing automation is a transformative approach that empowers businesses to streamline their marketing efforts. By leveraging cutting-edge eCommerce marketing automation tools, companies can automate repetitive tasks, ensuring their marketing strategies operate seamlessly and effectively.

Leveraging Marketing Automation in eCommerce

Ecommerce marketing automation tools serve a multi-faceted role, from streamlining operations to personalizing customer experiences.

What They Can Do for Your eCommerce Business

Increase Efficiency

Automate routine tasks, freeing up time for strategic thinking and creative campaigns.

Enhance Personalization

Deliver tailored messages and product recommendations to individual customers.

Improve Customer Retention

Use behavioral data to engage customers with timely, relevant content, driving loyalty.

Optimize Campaigns

Test and adjust marketing strategies in real-time for maximum impact.

Boost Sales

Nurture leads systematically, moving prospects smoothly down the sales funnel.

To illustrate how eCommerce marketing automation actualizes these benefits, consider the following strategies:

Strategy Description
Behavioral Triggers Set automatic marketing actions based on specific customer behaviors like cart abandonment.
Personalization Use customer data to deliver personalized content and product recommendations.
Retargeting Campaigns Use automated ads to remind and incentivize customers to complete their purchases.
Loyalty Programs Automate rewards for repeat purchases to enhance customer relationships.
Social Media Scheduling Consistently post content across platforms to engage with the audience and maintain brand presence.
Email Sequence Optimization Craft and automate a series of emails that guide customers through a tailored journey.
Chatbot Conversations Deploy AI-powered chatbots to provide instant customer service and support, making shopping easier.
Inventory Management Alerts Set up alerts to monitor stock levels and automate reordering processes to avoid out-of-stock issues.
Lead Scoring and Segmentation Utilize customer data to score leads and segment them for targeted marketing campaigns.

The eCommerce marketing automation strategies mentioned are just a few examples of the many potential strategies eCommerce marketers can employ. The following sections will delve into the eCommerce marketing automation tools that facilitate these and many other automation strategies, making them accessible and manageable for businesses aiming to optimize their marketing efforts.

Essential Ecommerce Marketing Automation Tools

A variety of eCommerce marketing automation tools exist to cater to different strategic approaches. From email marketing platforms to customer relationship management (CRM) systems, each plays a pivotal role in enhancing customer engagement and boosting sales.

Email Marketing Automation Tools

Email marketing icons demonstrating the email marketing automation process

Email marketing automation tools are indispensable, providing sophisticated systems that offer targeted, behavior-triggered communication to cultivate customer relationships, drive sales, and allow you to harness the power of email for eCommerce. Klaviyo stands out in this domain, providing a rich suite of features tailored to eCommerce needs.


Behavior-Triggered Communication: Klaviyo’s platform is designed to elevate customer lifetime value through behavior-triggered emails, personalized for each shopper. This approach ensures that marketing efforts align closely with customer actions, fostering higher engagement and return on investment.

Comprehensive Customer Profiles: It compiles complete customer profiles, integrating data like transaction history, browsing behavior, and even predictive analytics into a unified view. This comprehensive understanding of customers enables real-time segmentation and highly personalized outreach.

Seamless Omnichannel Experience: Klaviyo brings together email, SMS, mobile push notifications, forms, and social targeting under one roof. This consolidation allows for a seamless customer experience and accurate omnichannel attribution, which is critical for today’s eCommerce landscape.

Advanced Personalization with Integrations: With over 300 built-in integrations, Klaviyo enables advanced personalization. It integrates with various platforms, including payment processors, order management systems, and loyalty programs, to create highly personalized messages based on every interaction with the brand.

Dynamic Product Recommendations: The platform can dynamically recommend products based on the items in a customer’s cart, their browsing history, or bestsellers tailored to each individual. This feature can significantly enhance cross-selling and up-selling opportunities.

Automated A/B Testing: Klaviyo allows for automated A/B testing to optimize email campaigns. Marketers can experiment with different subject lines and content to identify what resonates most with their audience, a key factor in maximizing the effectiveness of email marketing.

In-Depth Analytics: The tool provides pre-built and custom reports to track message performance, revenue growth, and the effectiveness of different communication channels. This level of analysis is crucial for eCommerce businesses to fine-tune their strategies and ensure they are investing wisely in their marketing efforts.

Klaviyo thus offers a powerful, data-driven, and highly customizable email marketing automation solution that can help eCommerce businesses of all sizes to increase sales and build strong customer relationships.

Social Media Automation Tools

Social media icons demonstrating the social media marketing automation process

Essential for eCommerce, social media automation tools like Kontentino help brands schedule content, engage with audiences, and monitor performance, which is key for tapping into the expected $2.9 trillion in social media sales by 2026.


Collaboration and Approval: Kontentino streamlines the content creation process by allowing teams to collaborate and send posts for approval, ensuring that only the best, vetted content reaches the audience. This system enhances brand consistency and prevents missteps in social media campaigns.

Comprehensive Campaign Overview: Kontentino provides a clear overview of all campaigns and advertisements, making it easy to manage and adjust strategies in real-time, a crucial feature for dynamic eCommerce environments. Kontentino also helps select the best time to post on social media.

Accessibility and Flexibility: With mobile app support, users can approve posts and provide feedback from anywhere, which is especially useful for eCommerce businesses that operate on the go and need to respond quickly to market trends.

Centralized Asset Management: It consolidates all necessary assets in one place, ensuring that social media managers have everything they need to create impactful content without switching between different platforms or tools.

Performance Analytics and Reporting: Kontentino allows users to analyze performance and create reports, helping eCommerce businesses understand the impact of their social media efforts and adjust their strategies for better ROI.

User Satisfaction: It boasts high user ratings, with a score of 4.8 out of 5 on G2, indicating strong user satisfaction and reliability in service, crucial for eCommerce businesses that depend on consistent and effective social media marketing.

Kontentino offers a 14-day free trial with a tiered pricing structure starting from €49 per month, providing flexibility for eCommerce businesses of different sizes and needs, from small startups to large enterprises.

Kontentino exemplifies how social media automation tools can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of eCommerce marketing strategies, providing an integrated platform for managing multiple facets of social media campaigns.

Chatbots and AI Conversational Tools

Person on cellphone interacting with a chatbot eCommerce marketing automation tool

When it comes to eCommerce marketing automation, chatbots, and AI conversational tools have become essential for businesses striving to maintain a competitive edge. These eCommerce marketing automation tools are designed to streamline customer service, enhance user experience, and ultimately boost sales. Tidio, a prominent figure in this industry, offers an array of impressive features that cater specifically to the needs of eCommerce businesses.


Proactive Customer Service: Tidio stands out among eCommerce marketing automation tools with its proactive customer service. Tidio’s AI-powered chatbots engage customers, providing instant support and driving sales. The bots use Natural Language Processing (NLP) to understand customer inquiries, allowing for a more intuitive and efficient service.

Effortless Integration: Tidio chatbots can be swiftly implemented into eCommerce platforms with a quick installation process, integrating smoothly with systems like Shopify, WooCommerce, and social media platforms. This ensures a coherent experience across all customer touchpoints.

Advanced Machine Learning: Tidio utilizes advanced machine learning to adapt to customer interactions. This means the more customers interact with the chatbot, the smarter it becomes, providing more accurate and helpful responses over time.

AI Phrase Matcher: With the AI Phrase Matcher, Tidio chatbots can understand and respond to a variety of customer queries, even if they are phrased differently or contain spelling errors. This feature supports multiple languages, making Tidio a versatile tool for global eCommerce operations.

Customer Questions Analysis: Tidio’s AI segregates customer queries into categories such as order status, shipping policies, and refund requests. This categorization allows human operators to concentrate on complex issues, enhancing operational efficiency.

High User Ratings: Tidio has been highly rated by users, scoring 4.7 out of 5 stars on G2, indicating strong user satisfaction and reliability in its service.

Tidio’s technology has made AI accessible to not just large enterprises but also small and medium-sized businesses, helping them enhance customer relationships and increase sales.

The capability of Tidio’s AI to learn and build conversational scenarios tailored to various industries means that any eCommerce business, regardless of its niche, can provide superior customer support and experience with Tidio chatbots.

Pricing-wise, Tidio offers a tiered model that accommodates businesses of different sizes, from a free plan for startups with basic needs to more advanced plans that provide unlimited chatbots and message triggers for established businesses looking to scale their customer service operations.

Retargeting Software:

Hand selecting a wooden block with a green target symbol among other blocks

Retargeting software has become an indispensable eCommerce marketing automation tool for businesses looking to recapture the attention of visitors who have left their sites without making a purchase. These sophisticated platforms, using a combination of cookies, AI, and cross-channel strategies, help brands stay top-of-mind and coax potential customers back to complete their transactions. AdRoll, a leading solution in this space, underscores the value of such tools with impressive results and innovative features.


AI-Driven Efficiency: AdRoll’s BidIQ technology employs machine learning to optimize ad bids and budget pacing across channels, ensuring maximum return on investment for eCommerce businesses. This AI-powered efficiency is key to making the most of retargeting efforts without overspending.

Real-Time Behavior Tracking: The platform harnesses real-time user behavior to create programmatic retargeting campaigns, effectively targeting users based on their interactions with the site, whether they abandoned a cart or simply browsed and left. Such targeted campaigns are essential for driving conversions in eCommerce.

Seamless Shopping Experiences: AdRoll enhances the customer experience by facilitating the completion of purchases across devices. For instance, if a customer clicks on a retargeting ad, the platform can automatically rebuild their previous cart, simplifying the path to purchase and encouraging sales.

Cross-Channel Campaigns: With AdRoll, eCommerce brands can manage retargeting campaigns across major ad networks like Google and Facebook from a single dashboard. This centralization streamlines the ad management process and assists in optimizing for the best possible return on ad spend (ROAS).

Brand-Safe Advertising: AdRoll partners with leading ad exchanges and publishers to offer access to a vast inventory of retargeting ad spaces across brand-safe websites and apps, providing eCommerce businesses with quality venues for their ads.

Conversion Attribution: The platform also addresses the issue of conversion attribution across networks, ensuring that businesses can accurately assess the effectiveness of their campaigns and adjust their strategies accordingly.

Data Insights: By implementing the AdRoll Pixel on their various eCommerce websites, eCommerce companies can gain comprehensive insights into visitor behavior, empowering them to make data-driven decisions that enhance their retargeting campaigns and overall marketing efforts.

AdRoll stands out as a pivotal component in the suite of eCommerce marketing automation tools, offering AI-Driven Efficiency. AdRoll demonstrates the high efficacy of retargeting software in the eCommerce domain, providing a suite of tools that not only recapture the interest of potential customers but also streamline the purchasing process and enhance the overall customer experience.

Inventory Management Automation Tools

Person on the phone in shipping center using an inventory management automation tool

Managing inventory effectively is non-negotiable for maintaining operational continuity and customer satisfaction. QuickBooks Commerce, formerly known as TradeGecko, emerges as a comprehensive eCommerce marketing automation tool that automates and refines business inventory management.

QuickBooks Commerce

Real-Time Stock Updates: QuickBooks Commerce ensures that inventory levels are always current by automatically updating stock levels as sales and purchases occur. This feature eliminates the need for manual entry, thus reducing the potential for human error and ensuring that the data reflects actual stock availability.

Multi-Warehouse and Multi-Currency Management: This platform allows for inventory management across various warehouses and in multiple currencies, making it a robust solution for global eCommerce operations. It supports businesses as they expand into new markets and manage international supply chains.

Product Tracking and Workflow Management: QuickBooks Commerce is a quintessential eCommerce marketing automation tool for product tracking and workflow management, providing detailed tracking by bin location, serial numbers, or lot numbers. Additionally, it allows businesses to manage their entire end-to-end workflow from a single, unified dashboard.

Dynamic Stock Value Tracking: It auto-updates the value of the inventory in real-time, reflecting these changes directly on the balance sheet. This dynamic financial tracking is essential for accurate financial reporting and strategic decision-making.

Warehouse to Doorstep Order Management: The tool automates inventory and order management processes, providing clear visibility of what’s in stock, what’s on order, and where each item is located. This comprehensive view facilitates efficient order fulfillment from the warehouse right to the customer’s doorstep.

Automated Syncing Across Sales Channels: QuickBooks Commerce automatically synchronizes products, orders, inventory, and payout data across sales channels without manual input. This capability extends to major platforms such as Shopify, Amazon, and eBay, ensuring consistent inventory management across all sales venues.

By leveraging QuickBooks Commerce, eCommerce businesses can achieve a more streamlined, accurate, and efficient approach to inventory management, which is crucial for scaling operations and enhancing customer service.

Mobile Marketing Automation Tools

Mobile marketing automation icons swirling around a phone

Mobile marketing automation tools are pivotal for crafting a responsive marketing ecosystem. Such a tool that has been highly recognized in 2023 is Braze, known for its user-centric, data-driven approach.


SDK Integration: Braze’s SDKs can be integrated into mobile and web applications to facilitate powerful marketing, customer support, and analytics tools.

Real-Time Analytics: Marketers can view real-time updated graphs based on analytics metrics and custom events instrumented within the application.

User Segmentation: Users can be grouped based on filters like in-app behavior and demographic data. Custom events and attributes can be defined for more tailored targeting.

Multichannel Messaging: Braze, like many eCommerce marketing automation tools, facilitates multichannel messaging through push notifications and email, with Content Cards to deliver targeted content in apps.

Content Cards: These provide a targeted stream of content within apps, featuring personalized options like card pinning and dismissal, API-based delivery, and coordination with push notifications.

Push Notifications: Braze supports APNs and FCM, enabling notifications to be triggered by messaging campaigns and news items.

In-App Messaging: Offers in-app notifications at chosen times through a custom-built native user interface, enhancing timely user engagement.

Machine Learning Optimization: Leveraging machine learning algorithms, Braze can optimize messaging to improve user engagement and retention, tailoring communication to the unique patterns of each user.

Braze positions itself as a sophisticated, adaptive, and efficient mobile marketing automation tool, essential for businesses aiming to enhance their mobile user engagement and drive revenue growth through intelligent, automated marketing strategies.

A/B Testing Tool

Two different layouts being tested on a phone using A/B testing

A/B testing tools are critical for fine-tuning the customer experience and maximizing conversions on eCommerce platforms. Optimizely is a prominent figure in this realm, providing robust testing and personalization capabilities to eCommerce businesses.

Optimizely serves as a comprehensive experimentation platform, enabling eCommerce sites to gauge the impact of variations in their digital storefronts. From changing the color of a CTA button to tweaking the messaging on landing pages, Optimizely empowers online retailers to test and learn what resonates best with their audience.


Experimentation at Scale: Optimizely allows eCommerce businesses to run multiple A/B tests across various elements of their digital experience, from homepage designs and product descriptions to checkout processes. This capability supports high-velocity testing, enabling businesses to quickly find the best-performing configurations that drive sales.

Statistical Rigor: Utilizing advanced statistical methods, Optimizely ensures that the results of A/B tests are both statistically significant and practically relevant, providing confidence in the decisions made from test data.

Dynamic Allocation: Optimizely’s A/B testing includes dynamic traffic allocation, which automatically directs more users to the winning variant of a test in real-time, optimizing for better performance even before the test concludes.

Customizable Success Metrics: Set custom success metrics for each test to directly align with key eCommerce objectives, whether it’s increasing average order value, improving add-to-cart rates, or reducing bounce rates on product pages.

Audience Targeting for Tests: Create A/B tests that target specific segments of your eCommerce audience based on demographics, behavior, or purchase history, ensuring that the insights gained are relevant to the segments that matter most to your business.

Seamless Integration: Optimizely integrates with a wide range of eCommerce platforms and data analytics tools, allowing for the synchronization of A/B testing data with other customer insights, which is critical for a holistic understanding of customer behavior.

By focusing on these robust testing capabilities, Optimizely supports eCommerce businesses in making data-driven decisions to enhance the user experience and ultimately increase conversions and revenue.

Optimizely stands out among eCommerce marketing automation tools for its ability to deliver a personalized, targeted, and sales-centric eCommerce experience. Its suite of features, from Experimentation at Scale to Seamless Integration, equips businesses with the necessary tools to optimize every aspect of the customer journey and drive revenue growth.

Loyalty Program Management Tool

Person pulling a loyalty card out of their purple wallet.

When it comes to eCommerce, customer retention is just as crucial as acquisition. Loyalty program management tools are indispensable for nurturing customer relationships and incentivizing repeat business. Yotpo is a key player in this space, offering comprehensive solutions tailored for eCommerce loyalty programs.

Yotpo shines as a multi-faceted loyalty program platform, enabling online stores to craft reward systems that foster lasting customer loyalty. From point-based systems to VIP tiers, Yotpo provides eCommerce merchants with the tools to create an engaging rewards structure.


Personalized Rewards Programs: Yotpo enables the creation of customized loyalty programs that can include points, tiers, referrals, and VIP statuses, delivering a personalized experience to encourage repeat purchases and brand advocacy.

Data-Driven Insights: Yotpo’s analytics go beyond mere transaction tracking, offering deep insights into customer behavior and program performance. This allows eCommerce businesses to fine-tune their loyalty strategies based on actionable data.

Omnichannel Capability: With Yotpo, loyalty programs are not confined to online interactions. The platform supports omnichannel engagement, connecting in-store experiences with online loyalty activities and providing a seamless brand experience.

Flexible Reward Options: Rewards are not limited to discounts and free shipping. Yotpo’s platform supports a variety of reward mechanisms, including exclusive products, early access to sales, and experiential rewards, catering to diverse customer preferences.

Automated Engagement: Yotpo automates various aspects of loyalty program management, from points accumulation to rewards redemption, ensuring a smooth customer journey while reducing the administrative burden on businesses.

Integrated Referral Solutions: The tool enhances customer acquisition by integrating referral programs that reward existing customers for bringing in new ones, effectively turning satisfied buyers into brand ambassadors.

Yotpo is a welcome addition to any suite of eCommerce marketing automation tools. By focusing on building and managing sophisticated loyalty programs, Yotpo empowers eCommerce businesses to cultivate long-term relationships with customers, driving repeat business and fostering brand loyalty.

Customer Feedback and Survey Tool

Wooden block with smiley face atop other blocks with neutral or upset faces

Customer feedback is the cornerstone of customer satisfaction and product improvement. Qualtrics stands prominently as a comprehensive customer feedback and survey tool that offers nuanced insights into customer preferences and experiences.

Qualtrics equips eCommerce businesses with the necessary tools to collect, analyze, and act upon customer feedback. This interaction enables brands to align their offerings more closely with customer expectations and to enhance the overall shopping experience.


Advanced Survey Creation: Qualtrics provides a sophisticated survey platform that allows for the creation of in-depth, customizable surveys to capture customer feedback at various touchpoints of the eCommerce experience.

Intelligent Analytics: With powerful AI-driven analytics, Qualtrics interprets customer feedback, providing actionable insights that can inform product development, customer service improvements, and personalized marketing strategies.

Real-Time Feedback Collection: Qualtrics enables eCommerce sites to collect real-time feedback directly from their customers, ensuring immediate insights into the customer experience and the ability to act quickly on any issues uncovered.

Targeted Questions: The eCommerce marketing automation tool leverages behavioral and location-based data to ask the right questions at the right time, integrating with tools like Google Analytics for a more comprehensive understanding

Experience Management: Beyond simple surveys, Qualtrics offers an Experience Management (XM) platform, allowing businesses to measure and optimize every interaction along the customer journey.

Seamless Integration with eCommerce Platforms: Qualtrics integrates smoothly with various eCommerce systems, ensuring that customer feedback is directly linked with other customer data, providing a comprehensive view of customer interactions.

Utilizing Qualtrics’ advanced customer feedback and survey tools, eCommerce businesses can elevate their understanding of customer needs, refine their marketing and product strategies, and ultimately deliver a superior customer experience. These features underscore Qualtrics’ role in empowering eCommerce platforms to build stronger relationships with their customers through continuous feedback and improvement.

Shipping and Fulfillment Automation

Person packing boxes in a shipping and fulfillment center

Efficient shipping and fulfillment are crucial to customer satisfaction and repeat business. Automation in the eCommerce sector has revolutionized how orders are processed, shipped, and delivered. ShipBob emerges as a frontrunner in this domain, providing a suite of features that streamline eCommerce logistics.


  • Distributed Inventory: ShipBob allows eCommerce businesses to strategically distribute their inventory across multiple fulfillment centers, reducing shipping costs and delivery times for a stellar customer experience.
  • Batch Fulfillment: For businesses launching new products or running promotions, ShipBob offers batch fulfillment, ensuring that a large number of orders are shipped simultaneously, improving efficiency and consistency.
  • International Fulfillment: eCommerce doesn’t know borders, and neither does ShipBob. With international fulfillment solutions, businesses can effortlessly expand their reach to global markets without logistical nightmares.
  • Custom Packaging: Recognizing the power of branding, ShipBob enables custom packaging, allowing eCommerce stores to deliver products in branded boxes that resonate with customers and enhance the unboxing experience.
  • Real-Time Inventory and Order Tracking: Vital for customer trust, ShipBob provides real-time updates on inventory levels and order statuses, keeping both the business and its customers informed every step of the way.
  • Direct Integration: ShipBob seamlessly integrates with major eCommerce platforms like Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce, simplifying the sync between sales and fulfillment processes.
  • Return Management: An often-overlooked aspect of eCommerce, ShipBob’s return management system simplifies the process for customers, fostering trust and encouraging repeat business.

ShipBob offers a wide array of capabilities that address the complexities of modern order fulfillment. Through this eCommerce marketing automation tool, businesses can navigate the logistical challenges of a global marketplace with ease, ensuring that products reach consumers swiftly, orders are processed with precision, and customer expectations for a seamless shopping experience are not just met, but exceeded.

The Future of Marketing Automation for Online Stores

The horizon of eCommerce marketing automation is set to be transformative, with a synergy of AI, big data, and emerging technologies creating highly individualized consumer experiences. Predictive analytics will enable anticipatory marketing, crafting messages that resonate with consumers’ evolving needs.

IoT integration will augment customer profiles, enhancing “moment marketing” strategies. Voice commerce will streamline shopping into daily routines, while AR/VR will revolutionize product trials with virtual showrooms. Sustainability will be at the forefront, with automation emphasizing ethical practices. Blockchain’s transparency will fortify consumer trust, signaling a new era where shopping is limitless and seamlessly integrated into our digital existence.

Businesses that fail to adapt to the advancements in eCommerce marketing automation risk obsolescence. Keeping pace with technological innovation is no longer optional; it’s a critical imperative. Those who ignore the march towards more sophisticated, data-driven marketing will find themselves outpaced by competitors who are leveraging these tools to forge deeper connections with their customers and streamline their operations.

Improve Your Ecommerce Business Today With Oyova

The strategic implementation of eCommerce marketing automation tools is not just an advantage—it’s a necessity for sustained growth and customer engagement. With tools like Klaviyo, Kontentino, Tidio, and AdRoll, businesses can automate tedious processes, deliver personalized experiences, and significantly increase the likelihood of conversion and customer retention.

However, integrating these sophisticated tools into your existing eCommerce framework can be a complex task. This is where Oyova steps in. Our expertise eCommerce services, such as Shopify development services, ensures that your business is not only equipped with the best eCommerce marketing automation strategies but also flawlessly integrates these systems into your operations for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

Ready to revolutionize your eCommerce business with seamless marketing automation integration? Contact Oyova today, and let’s unlock the full potential of your online store with Shopify’s powerful platform and our bespoke development solutions.