Is Yoast SEO Premium Worth It? (Unsponsored Review)
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Is Yoast SEO Premium Worth It? A Comparative Analysis

Stars signifying a review for Yoast SEO premium

In SEO, the right toolkit can make all the difference. Yoast SEO, especially its premium version, has been a go-to choice for many. But how does it measure up against its peers? Let’s dive deep into its salient features, benefits, and potential drawbacks and see how they stack up against the industry standards. We’ll also discuss our final verdict and share what SEO plugin we use at Oyova (we’re not sponsored!).

Comprehensive Feature Evaluation

In this section, we delve into a detailed analysis of Yoast SEO Premium’s key features, evaluating their strengths, weaknesses, and how they compare to alternative SEO plugins in the market. Our objective is to provide a well-rounded understanding of what Yoast SEO Premium brings to the table, assisting in informed decision-making.

1. Advanced Page Analysis: Beyond the Surface

The Yoast SEO content analysis tool critically examines the readability and SEO aspects of your content. It ensures that your content is user-friendly and optimized for search engines. The tool’s readability analysis focuses on the text’s structure, sentence length, use of passive voice, and overall ease of reading. The SEO analysis, on the other hand, checks for the presence of the focus keyphrase in various sections of your content, such as the SEO title, meta description, URL, and body text.

To optimize your content, you will follow these steps:

  1. Determine your focus keyword.
  2. Write or paste your content in the WordPress backend.
  3. Review the readability scores and make necessary adjustments.
  4. Optimize your snippet for search engines using the snippet preview.
  5. Assess the SEO scores and make any recommended changes.
  6. Ensure your content has appropriate internal and external links.
  7. Check your images for the correct size and alt text.
  8. Finally, add social data to dictate how your content appears on platforms like Facebook and Twitter. By following these steps and using the Yoast SEO content analysis tool, you can ensure that your content is both user-friendly and optimized for search engines.


  • Deep content insights, especially concerning readability.
  • Real-time feedback, allowing immediate corrections.


  • It might be overwhelming for SEO beginners.
  • Some might argue it’s too stringent, potentially stifling content creativity.

Compared to Other SEO Plugins

  • Many plugins offer page analysis, but Yoast’s blend of depth and user-friendliness is commendable.
  • Some tools, like Rank Math, might present a more detailed breakdown, potentially overshadowing Yoast’s intuitive feedback.

2. Redirection Manager: Seamlessly Guiding Traffic

Person holding a card that says 404 errorThe Redirect Manager in Yoast SEO is an essential tool designed to ensure that users and search engines don’t encounter dead-ends or 404 errors on a website. When pages are moved or deleted, it can lead to these errors, which are not only confusing for users but also detrimental to SEO. Yoast’s Redirect Manager simplifies this process by automatically creating redirects when content is moved or deleted, ensuring that users and search engines are seamlessly directed from old URLs to new ones.

Furthermore, the Redirect Manager offers flexibility with various types of redirects and HTTP statuses, like 301 (Permanent redirect) for usual page movements, 410 (Content deleted) for permanently removed content, and temporary redirects like 302 (Found) and 307. For advanced users, there’s an option for REGEX redirects, allowing for pattern-based redirections, and there are functionalities to import or export redirect data.


  • Automated redirection for deleted or moved pages.
  • Ensures an enhanced user experience and SEO health.


  • Over-reliance might end up in a tangled web of URLs.
  • It’s not as specialized as standalone redirection plugins.

Compared to Other SEO Plugins

  • Redirect functionality is standard across SEO tools, but Yoast integrates it conveniently within the content process.
  • Other plugins might have more advanced logic, but they often don’t integrate as seamlessly as Yoast.
  • While Yoast’s integration is straightforward, specialized plugins might offer superior redirection logic and more flexibility in managing complex redirect scenarios.

3. Internal Linking Suggestions: Weaving a Web of Content

Yoast’s Internal Linking tool is designed to optimize a website’s structure, recognizing the importance of impeccable site architecture for search engine ranking. Previously, best practices revolved around manually selecting relevant links for optimal results. However, Yoast’s tool has revolutionized this process by automating suggestions without compromising quality.

As a site grows, manually selecting links can become cumbersome. Yoast addresses this by suggesting relevant content as you write, allowing users to drag or copy these suggestions directly into the text. Furthermore, this tool leverages the Insights feature, which identifies the most prominent words in a post, ensuring that the suggested links are contextually apt, streamlining the linking process, and ensuring that content is interconnected in a way that enhances user experience and SEO. With this tool, Yoast also offers an overview of internal links, helping users identify key content that might be underlined.


  • Contextually accurate link suggestions.
  • Fortifies the site’s structural SEO.


  • May occasionally suggest links that are off-tangent.
  • Excessive use can lead to an overlinked content maze.

Compared to Other SEO Plugins

  • Other plugins might hint at similar linkages, but Yoast’s context-aware engine often leads the race.
  • The visual interface in Yoast aids in making swift decisions.

4. Multiple Keywords Focus: Broadening Your Horizon

The Yoast SEO content analysis tool emphasizes the importance of optimizing content around a focus keyphrase, ensuring that your content is primed for search engines. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Focus Keyphrase Selection: Begin by determining your primary focus keyphrase, the term you want your post to rank for, which should stem from thorough keyword research.
  2. SEO Analysis for Keyphrase: Once you’ve chosen your focus keyphrase, Yoast’s SEO analysis checks for its presence in critical areas of your content: the SEO title, the introductory paragraph, the URL, the body text, and more, ensuring that search engines recognize the main topic of your content.
  3. Optimization Recommendations: Yoast provides feedback based on your use of the focus keyphrase. It recommends where to include it, ensuring that it’s not overused or underrepresented, striking a balance for optimal SEO performance.

By concentrating on a focus keyphrase and its strategic placement, Yoast SEO aids in fine-tuning your content to enhance its visibility and ranking potential in search engines. Yoast provides a limit of three keywords per page.


  • Expands reach to a wider audience.
  • Real-time feedback on keyword distribution.


  • If not used wisely, it can lead to keyword cannibalization.
  • Limiting articles to three keywords might not capture their full essence.

Compared to Other SEO Plugins

  • Many tools offer a multi-keyword focus, but Yoast’s real-time feedback stands out.
  • While Yoast provides real-time feedback, some tools, like SEOPress, might enable optimization for a broader range of keywords, making Yoast’s three-keyword limit seem restrictive.

5. Schema Markup: Enhancing Search Engine Understanding

Person coding schema markup on a laptop

Yoast SEO’s Schema implementation uses markup tailored to your page types, providing search engines with a clear understanding of your content’s context. Instead of just producing isolated chunks of code, Yoast’s Schema approach interlinks the data, creating a coherent structured data graph, enhancing the search engines’ comprehension, and making your content eligible for rich results.

Key Features and Steps

  1. Yoast SEO Schema Output: Yoast SEO offers fundamental elements on every page, with additional elements based on specific conditions like representing a person, having a HowTo block, or an FAQ block.
  2. User Configuration:
    • Site Representation Settings: Define if your site represents an individual or an organization, ensuring Yoast SEO outputs the right structured data. Also, link your social media profiles to inform search engines about your online presence.
    • Default Settings & Schema Tab: By default, Yoast SEO describes your pages with WebPage schema and your posts with Article schema. Adjust these settings as needed and use the Schema tab in the Yoast SEO meta box or sidebar for individual posts or page specifications.
    • HowTo & FAQ Blocks: For rich results in HowTo or FAQ pages, utilize the Yoast SEO HowTo or FAQ structured data blocks, automatically appending the corresponding markup.
    • Breadcrumbs: Yoast SEO also provides breadcrumb markup. Implementing breadcrumbs can enhance user navigation and help search engines understand site hierarchy.

Advanced Schema Implementation: While Yoast SEO offers extensive structured data output, it doesn’t cover all content types. If you wish to include additional Schema elements, refer to the integration guidelines. If other plugins or your theme already output schema markup, the guidelines provide direction on handling such scenarios.

For those keen on a deeper dive, Yoast offers a free training course on structured data for beginners, elucidating the significance of structured data in SEO.


  • Automated generation based on content.
  • Supports a plethora of schema types.


  • It may not offer the customization depth like dedicated schema plugins.
  • Automatic generation can sometimes misinterpret subtle content nuances.

Compared to Other SEO Plugins

  • While many plugins offer schema markup integration, Yoast’s automation is its distinguishing factor.
  • Tools like Rank Math might have a richer schema palette, but they often come with a steeper learning curve.

6. Social Media Integration: Is Yoast Keeping Up?

  1. Facebook Optimization: Yoast uses OpenGraph tags to control how content appears on Facebook. Automatically fetches post details for these tags and allows for manual editing.
  2. Twitter Enhancement: Through Twitter Cards, Yoast lets you preview and modify how your content will look on Twitter.
  3. Pinterest’s Rich Pins: With the Yoast WooCommerce plugin, you can optimize pins for products on Pinterest.
  4. Setup: Connect social accounts under SEO → Social, enable OpenGraph for Facebook, and set Twitter Card metadata.

In essence, Yoast SEO simplifies and enhances how your content appears on social platforms, driving better engagement.


  • Yoast offers the convenience of easy content sharing.
  • Ensures a standardized appearance of content across major platforms.


  • Limited mainly to major platforms, neglecting emerging or niche networks.
  • Automated shares lack context and might not resonate with the audience.

Compared to Other SEO Plugins

  • Competing plugins, like SEOPress and All in One SEO, provide more nuanced sharing options and wider network integration.
  • While Yoast ensures content uniformity, it lacks the breadth and flexibility that other plugins offer.

7. XML Sitemaps: Could Yoast Do Better?

XML sitemaps help search engines like Google and Bing efficiently crawl and index your site. By providing a map of your most crucial pages, you improve your site’s visibility. Yoast SEO ensures that your XML sitemaps are automatically updated when content is added or removed. It also respects your noindex settings.

  • Enabling XML Sitemaps in Yoast:
    1. Navigate to ‘SEO’ > ‘Settings’ in your WordPress dashboard.
    2. Toggle “Enable feature” in the XML sitemaps card.
    3. Click “View the XML sitemap” to see your sitemap.
  • Customizing Sitemap Entries: You can set limits on the number of sitemap entries and even add external sitemaps.
  • Priority Setting: As of version 3.5, Yoast SEO has removed priority variables from sitemaps based on Google’s feedback.
  • Issues with Sitemaps: If you encounter issues with your sitemap, such as updates not reflecting, Yoast provides guides to troubleshoot.
  • Significance of Yoast’s XML Sitemaps:
    1. They provide search engines with a clear layout of your content.
    2. They can serve as a backup to ensure crawling, especially if internal linking isn’t optimized.
    3. They prioritize your most vital content, ensuring efficient crawling.
    4. They provide additional metadata, helping search engines understand the structure and importance of content.
  • Extra Features: Yoast SEO allows users to determine which content types appear in the sitemap, ensuring only relevant content is indexed. Large sitemaps are also split up for faster performance.
  • Integration with Search Console: Once Yoast SEO is set up, you can add your sitemap to Google Search Console to monitor its status and any potential issues.

Yoast SEO’s XML sitemap feature is crucial for optimal site indexing, offering both automation and customization options to users.


  • Yoast offers automatic sitemap updates with every content addition.
  • The sitemaps are structured to give a general overview.


  • It is not as customizable or detailed as specialized sitemap plugins.
  • For expansive websites, Yoast’s generic sitemap might be a limitation.

Compared to Other SEO Plugins

  • Plugins like Rank Math provide more intricate sitemap customization, catering to larger websites with complex hierarchies.
  • Yoast offers simplicity but at the expense of depth and detail.

8. Keyword Optimization: Does Yoast Hit the Mark?

Within Yoast SEO, every page provides an input for a focus keyphrase. This is essentially the keyword or phrase you desire that specific page to rank for in search engines. Yoast SEO analyzes the page content against this keyphrase to evaluate its search engine visibility. It’s the targeted search term you want your content to rank for. When people search for this term, ideally, they should find your content.

Yoast SEO offers actionable feedback on content optimization for the selected focus keyphrase. Yoast SEO Premium allows for optimization against multiple related keyphrases. The tool checks the quality of your keyphrase, ensuring it’s not overly long or composed merely of function words with little meaning.


  • Yoast allows setting up to 3 focus keywords.
  • Offers basic keyword optimization guidance.


  • Lacks the depth and intelligence of advanced keyword tools.
  • It might not be sufficient for competitive niches.

Compared to Other SEO Plugins

  • Rank Math and SEOPress offer more advanced keyword analysis and suggestions, often powered by AI.
  • Yoast’s keyword features are elementary, making it less effective for aggressive SEO campaigns.

Is Yoast’s Price Justified?

Price and value on opposite sides of the scale

When it comes to SEO plugins, Yoast SEO Premium has long held its ground as a popular choice. But when it comes to investing in an SEO tool, the question isn’t just about features; it’s also about the cost. Let’s explore Yoast’s pricing structure and see how it stands up against two of its competitors, Rank Math and All in One SEO.

Yoast SEO Premium: Yoast, while offering a free version for those with basic needs, charges $99/year for its premium version per site. This might seem straightforward, but there’s a catch. Yoast doesn’t have a multi-site package in its standard pricing, implying that if you’re managing several sites, the cost multiplies:

  • 1 site: $99/year
  • 5 sites: $495/year
  • 10 sites: $990/year

These costs can accumulate rapidly for agencies or professionals managing multiple projects.

Rank Math: On the other side, Rank Math’s PRO Plan, priced at $5.75/month (billed annually), caters to unlimited personal websites. When you amplify this to the Business or Agency plans, you get substantial value, especially when overseeing multiple client websites.

All-in-One SEO: All-in-One SEO offers a flexible pricing structure. For instance:

  • Agency Plan: At $299.6/year, it supports up to 100 sites.
  • Business Plan: For $199.6/year, you can manage up to 10 sites.

This tiered approach can be more economical for those handling several sites.

Insights & Tips:

  1. Cost Multiplication with Yoast: If you’re running multiple sites, especially more than three, the cumulative cost of Yoast can exceed that of All in One SEO or Rank Math.
  2. Consider Future Expansion: If there’s potential for you to manage more sites in the future, Yoast might not be the most economical in the long run.
  3. Feature vs. Cost: While Yoast has a robust feature set when you juxtapose its cost against Rank Math or All in One SEO, you might find more value in the latter, especially considering the breadth of features on offer.

Final Thoughts: Is Yoast SEO Premium Truly Worth It?

After a meticulous analysis of Yoast SEO Premium, weighing its features, pros, and cons, and comparing it with other prominent plugins, the verdict isn’t a simple binary answer. Yoast, with its user-friendly interface and depth of features, undeniably carves a niche for itself in the SEO landscape. However, its worth is contingent upon individual needs.

For beginners or those seeking an all-in-one solution that offers both depth and simplicity, Yoast Premium is a worthy contender. Its real-time feedback, internal linking suggestions, and automated schema markup can be invaluable for those who want to ensure their content is SEO-optimized without delving too deep into the intricacies of SEO.

On the flip side, seasoned SEO professionals or those with specific needs might find some of Yoast’s features lacking, especially when benchmarked against specialized plugins. The likes of Rank Math offer richer schema options, and dedicated plugins can sometimes outperform Yoast in areas like redirection or sitemaps.

In essence, Yoast SEO Premium is akin to a versatile Swiss Army knife. It’s incredibly valuable for those who need a variety of tools in one package. However, for tasks requiring specialized tools, there might be better alternatives.

Get Professional Assistance With Your SEO Efforts

Yoast SEO Premium, with its blend of user-friendliness and robust features, has rightfully earned its reputation in the industry. It serves as a comprehensive solution for many, especially those looking to streamline their SEO efforts without getting entangled in the technical nuances. However, its worth is truly determined by the unique needs of each user. While Yoast shines in its all-in-one approach, there are instances where specialized tools might offer more tailored solutions. At Oyova, we often lean towards using RankMath on client sites due to its advanced feature set, which provides more depth in optimization strategies.

It’s imperative to assess not just the features but also the costs associated, especially when managing multiple sites. Ultimately, the real question isn’t just about whether Yoast SEO Premium is worth it but if it’s the right fit for your specific needs. If you find yourself on the fence, considering a shift, or simply exploring ways to optimize your digital presence further, Oyova’s SEO services might be the answer. With expertise across various SEO tools and strategies, we ensure your digital content not only ranks but resonates. Explore Oyova SEO services today, and let’s elevate your digital game together! Contact us today to get started.