Is Your Competitor's Company Website Better than Yours?
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Is Your Competitor’s Company Website Better than Yours?

7 Essential Tips to Enhance Your Website Redesign

Best Web Design Practices that Beat the Competition.

Wondering how to make your website better than your competitors’? If you’ve assessed the competition and your company’s web design is anything less than what’s expected, your website may be in need of a redesign.

Digital customers are naturally fickle these days. Don’t let your online customers pass up your business for the competition just because your web page is not as sleek or up-to-date.

Here are some diagnostics and tips for the best web design:

Mobile Update.

Problem: Your website is not multi-platform ready.

Fix: Your business needs a responsive web design.

Don’t allow Google search engine ranks to penalize your website. Your website may actually suffer in ranks if you fail to update and accommodate the most popular digital platforms everyone’s using today — smartphones, tablets, iPads, etc. Update your website to a responsive web design or (RWD), and gain back domain authority and reach potential customers.

Less is More.

Problem: You look like an amateur with clutter and flashy content.

Fix: Get a professional logo and look with smart branding.

One of the most common design mistakes is going overboard. Don’t overdo it with a design that confuses the eye and lacks the clarity you need to convert a lead into a sale. You may have been too excited to add unique buttons and visuals to your page, but what are these extra places to look actually doing for your website?

Are people clicking through to the things they need to see? If not, you may want to improve what you already have by leaving some breathing room.

Design for Ease of Use.

Problem: No one visits your site because it’s frustrating to use.

Fix: Focus on user-friendly navigation with a goal in mind.

What are your main goals with a website? Is it to inform, sell products, or share contact information for potential customers to find? Whatever the case, be certain that the front page or landing page of your website design has these goals in mind. Cut all content, pages, and links that do nothing for your goals.

An easy way to do this is to create a list of goals for your company website and rank each goal by importance. Use web design navigation best practices when building a website, and keep the pages that rank highest in an easy place to reach.

Appeal to the Senses.

Problem: Your web design doesn’t attract potential customers.

Fix: Get it right with high-quality visuals and content that works.

Good web design is hard to come by — and that’s because it speaks volumes without the need for a single word. An easy way to improve your website is to convey an emotion with your design that speaks directly to your customers’ needs.

Did it put them in the right mood and interest them in your products and services? A quick look at Google Analytics can open a whole new way of looking at things. Notice the number of visitors and the amount of time spent by each on your website. If your visuals, content, or overall design is lacking, analysis is a great way to find out.

Learn more about our marketing programs, and contact Oyova — a St. Petersburg web design, content marketing, social media management, and eCommerce web development company.


Make your Website Stand Out

Tips to Improve Website Design