The Rise Of Video Marketing & Why You Need It - Oyova
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The Rise of Video Marketing

The Rise of Video Marketing

What You Need to Know to Implement Video into Your Marketing Strategy

Marketing trends are always changing. As new channels emerge and consumer attitudes shift, marketers must adapt accordingly. That’s how you consistently make the right impression on your audience.

These days, video marketing is on the rise. More and more companies are taking the time to create fun, engaging, and informative visual content to help make a connection with their audience – and drive business.


What is Video Marketing?

As the name implies, video marketing involves using video to promote your brand. You probably figured that out already. However, you may wonder why this topic has grown in significance recently. After all, haven’t brands used video to promote themselves in the form of commercials for years now?

That’s true. This trend is different, though. Video marketing is on the rise because video content has been shown to yield substantially more engagement than other types of content when shared through social media platforms and other digital platforms.

72% of customers prefer learning about a product or service through video

Users spend 88% more time browsing on websites that have video

This is understandable. Video is easy to consume. It’s also dynamic, allowing marketers to capture the attention of an audience to a greater degree than they could if they relied on less eye-catching content.

Additionally, video is becoming less and less expensive to produce. In fact, filmmakers are now shooting major movies on smartphones. Smartphones’ growing popularity also ensures large audiences can consume video content even when they are on the go. All these factors have presented marketers with an opportunity they’re taking advantage of.


Key Video Marketing Statistics

Numerous surveys and studies reveal more about the importance of video marketing today. They provide video marketing statistics that clarify this topic.

For example, as of 2020, 92% of surveyed marketers report that video plays an important role in their overall strategy. This is an increase from 78% just five years ago.

It’s important to understand that marketers are simply responding to audience behaviors. Research indicates that by 2021, the average person will spend approximately 100 minutes a day (every day!) watching online videos.

Statistics also reveal the major impact video can have on engagement. For example, Tweets that feature video content yield 10 times as much engagement as Tweets that do not.

All these video marketing statistics indicate you need to be using video in your campaigns. That said, it’s important that you do so properly.


The Right Way to Use Video Marketing

right way to use video marketing

Don’t make the mistake of assuming video content on its own is valuable. To leverage video to its full potential, you need to keep certain trends and consumer attitudes in mind when developing campaigns.

For example, video marketing statistics reveal that 66% of marketing videos were 30 seconds long in Q3 of 2019. In Q3 of 2018, 30-second videos accounted for 55% of video ads. If other marketers know what they are doing, this means the 30-second length is often ideal when developing video marketing content. Of course, there are always exceptions. Sometimes a video needs to be longer to thoroughly convey its message. In other instances, a very short video may suffice if the format doesn’t require anything longer.

You should also consider the fact that video is particularly popular among younger consumers. Surveys show that 66% of teens in the US watch online videos every day. You need to develop your video marketing strategy if you’re targeting young people.

That’s not to say that you should reject video if your audience skews older. Again, video remains popular across virtually all demographics. The fact that it’s more popular with teens than older people doesn’t mean it’s not valuable when teens aren’t your target audience. You merely need to account for how popular video is among your audience to determine how substantial a role it should play in your campaigns.

Along with developing video marketing campaigns, you also need to consider what you can do to ensure your audience knows when a piece of content features video. For example, video marketing statistics show that including the word “video” in an email subject line can boost open rates by 19%.


Types of Marketing Videos

Marketing videos can take many forms. The nature of your brand will determine which you decide to prioritize when developing a strategy.

Videos can explain the benefits of a product or service. They can also demonstrate how to use a product. Videos may highlight a brand’s values and mission, give audiences a behind-the-scenes look at an organization, tell branded stories, cover events, and even educate. It’s not uncommon for marketers to make mini-documentaries on subjects that are relevant to their audiences. Some also produce comedy sketches or short films.

Always monitor your campaigns for engagement. The more engagement a type of video yields, the more you should focus on producing that type of video in the future.


How to Make Marketing Videos

how to video marketing

Your budget will naturally affect how you choose to produce marketing videos. Ideally, you’ll have the funds to justify hiring professional videographers and filmmakers. You want to promote your brand in the best light possible. Some brands have even justified starting their own video departments.

However, you don’t need to abandon your video marketing plans simply because your budget is tight. You instead need to take full advantage of the resources you do have.

For example, perhaps you sell kitchen tools. While you might not have the money to film a dynamic video in which celebrity chefs use your products theatrically in a busy kitchen, you can set up a camera on a tripod (remember, all you need is a smartphone to shoot quality video these days) and film a still video in which an employee demonstrates one of your products. It may not be as intense, but it’s still more engaging than a blog post, it still serves its purpose, and it doesn’t take a lot of money to produce.

Another simple way to add videos to your marketing strategy is through the content on your website. If you blog, consider adding a video to your content. Develop a topic, put together some talking points, and record. Using a smartphone for these videos is very common. You can then add it to YouTube and embed it on your post. Review existing opportunities on your website and build from there.

Start developing your video marketing strategy sooner rather than later. Video marketing statistics indicate this type of content will only grow more popular in the near future. Take advantage of the opportunity now.