Improve Your Video Marketing Efficiency Using WordPress
Video marketing used to be costly. Certainly, TV ad space is expensive, but adding video to your website also used to be a time-consuming job that would add significantly to the cost of your web design and development. Videos living on your website can also slow your page load time and even increase your hosting costs.
A pair of modern technologies have changed that. Put your video onto YouTube, and you can have it on your WordPress site in no time.
First, you will need to upload your video to a video-sharing site such as YouTube. It doesn’t have to be YouTube, actually. Other options include Vimeo and BlipTV. YouTube may give you the best exposure for your video, but that may not be your goal.
At any of the video-sharing sites, uploading your video is not difficult. You’ll need to sign up for an account, which is free unless you choose to pay extra for extra features at some sites. Then you browse for video files on your computer, upload them, and wait for the files to process.
Take advantage of opportunities to add titles and descriptions which use your keywords. Take advantage, too, of opportunities to add a link to your website.
Once your video is ready, you can add it to your WordPress site. This becomes easy when you use a plugin. There are lots of different video plugins, and you might want to experiment with them. However, we can recommend WordPress Video Plugin. Installing a plugin is simple:
- Click “plugins” in the left sidebar of the dashboard.
- Click “Add New” at the top of the plugins page.
- Serve for the name of the desired plugin.
- Click “install.”
- You may then need to click “activate.”
Once you’ve installed WordPress Video Plugin, you can use shortcode to add your videos to your site. For this plugin, using a YouTube video, the code is this:
[YouTube #]
where the # is the string of letters and numbers after = in the video’s URL.
Put the code into your WordPress page wherever you want to place a video. In the example above, a site we’re building for a security company, we placed their TV commercial on their “About Us” page, increasing the reach of their TV ad significantly at no extra cost.
Read Time to Switch to WordPress? and Advantages of a WordPress Site to learn more about this option for your website.
Need to know how to market your business on YouTube? Read our guide here: How to Build Your Business with YouTube.